Practice Exams
NIC offers practice exams in order for candidates to prepare to take the NIC National Exams. Currently, there are three practice exams that include Cosmetology, Nail Technology and Esthetics. Upon checkout, customers will immediately receive an email confirmation from Prov (order details/receipt) and, that contains the link to access your exam. Watch for future updates that will include more practice exams for other exam types. Click HERE to purchase the practice exams.
Examination Overview
NIC offers the Examination Overview for all practical exam disciplines.
The Examination Overview contains an informative introduction to the NIC Practical Examinations and Procedures. It is a comprehensive review of the information contained in the Candidate Information Bulletins (CIB’s). Each discipline, as well as the corresponding additional services, are included.
The Examination Overview is presented in a video format, and upon purchase you will be sent a download link and a user specific password for access.
To Purchase the Examination Overview, click HERE. Once you have completed the purchase, you will receive a confirmation of purchase email that contains your download information.